
Tuesday, April 7, 2015


I have been following Evelyn's story for a while now. Kelly, Evelyn's mom had contacted me back a few months after she was born to donate gift certificates for a benefit they were having for sweet Evelyn. Of course, i donated for them but i felt i needed to do more. So i gave them a handful of gift certificates for themselves to use to capture Evelyn and their precious family. When Kelly left my studio the day we did Evelyn's pictures she mentioned to me, how unbelievable grateful she was that i had offered to do these pictures for them for nothing. Because with all the expenses of sweet Evelyn and her treatments they might not have been able to. That moment right there i knew i did the right thing and haven't ever looked back :) 

Evelyn is so full of energy and absolutely sweet. During the session Kelly had a bracelet for her to wear. The whole time she kept looking at it touching it. She posed herself below and it just melted me seeing that adorable smile. 

Evelyn wasn't a huge fan of her cake. Oh My Ganache did a fantastic job on all the details of the cake as always but Evelyn didn't like the idea of getting dirty. LOL. :p

Evelyn, born 3/17/14, was a healthy 9lbs 8 oz baby girl! She completed Aaron and Kelly's family of 5. 

At 10 days old they received the news that Evelyn's newborn screening came back showing she had Cystic Fibrosis. 

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that mainly effects the lungs and digestive system. 20 years ago CF patients wouldn't live to see grade school. Now with increased improvement in their medications, treatments and therapies CF patients are living to the age of 30.

So far Evelyn's Entourage (in 8 months) has raised just under $9,000! Our goal is be apart of this breakthrough and help fund a cure. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is soo close!! They expect in the next 5-10 years to have that "Magical Pill" to eliminate all symptoms of CF!

Together we can help Evelyn all those with CF breathe easier and never count down a birthday again!

Love, Jessica


I first met Brandon and Danielle back almost exactly a year ago when they were looking for a wedding photographer. Right away at Danielle's bridal shower and getting to meet them both I felt not only are they people together but so smitten for each other. The way Brandon looks at her and can get her to smiles is amazing. I wish these two so many happy years in their marriage. 

I was so excited when they contacted me to do a "trash the dress" session or I'd like to think of it as after the wedding session. It was an extremely cold day along with tons of snow. But the day was gorgeous and we had tons of fun. 

I hope Brandon and Danielle enjoy these images as much as i do :) 

Love, Jessica

Monday, April 6, 2015


I've been wanting to start a blog now for a while to show off my sessions from start to finish. I pour so much love and time in each session and i can't think of a better way that i can ramble ;) on about my awesome clients. As much as i love Facebook i have noticed lately a lot of my clients don't have Facebook so it's hard for them to see their images. So I'm working on creating a new work flow for my clients. I will still do a sneak peak on Facebook and once the session is complete i will blog the whole session here online :) 

A few changes are happening at Jessica Rhoad Photography. I'm working on branding myself in a new look with logo's, website, templates, ect. But i am also working on starting IPS (In Person Sales). I want to help my clients from start to finish. If it's picking out attire for your session or figuring out what size prints to order for your house I want to help you along the way. If you've had a session with me you know how much I care about what you have up in your house when setting up my sets. This IPS opportunity will not cost you, but will be helpful for both you and in the process to better prepare. 

Enough of my rambling on today ;) and back to editing. Hope you enjoy the blog and i hope you look back it in for the sessions coming soon!

Love, jessica

PS. I love this picture of my son Chase for his 2nd Birthday shoot. He was so excited i decided to do a Paint session and gave me the perfect smile :)